Our Technology

Technology – Advanced Eye Care

We take pride in using the latest technology to fully customize our patients’ experiences. We recently located to a completely new facility and we are excited to have the latest in eye care technology including Optomap Widefield Retinal Imaging, autofluorescence with Widefield imaging, Avanti OCT with Angiography, Anterior Segment OCT, Lipiflow and Lipiscan, Icare, and advanced visual field testing. We are always striving to upgrade and improve the services we can offer our patients.

Optomap Widefield Retinal Imaging

Great addition along with Dilated Fundus Exams to capture retinal pathology and monitor progression with consistent imaging.


Autofluorescence with Widefield imaging to capture deeper retinal changes whether inflammatory or Autoimmune.

Avanti OCT with Angiography

Avanti OCT with Angiography to observe deeper layers of the retina and Vasculature within the retina without the use of Fluorescein Dye to determine whether certain treatments or observation is needed.

Anterior Segment OCT

Anterior Segment OCT to monitor and treat corneal and anterior segment pathology


No puff/No drop Ocular Pressure reading.


Effectively treating MGD requires directly addressing the dysfunction in the meibomian glands.

Visual Fields

A visual field test measures how much you can see out of the corners of your eyes.


Allows us to directly view the health of your meibomian glands in high definition.